Tuesday, February 21, 2012

It's a Miracle

Yep I am still working at it.  That in its self is a miracle. Have lost between 15 and 20 pounds so far. Depending on what time of the day I weigh and what I am wearing at the time.  (Which is usually nothing.  Cant blame it on the clothes that way). It has definitely not been easy.  I have had several "down" days. Days that I totally lost control and so wanted to quit.  Missing my comfort foods has been the hardest part.  You know the Cheesy Potato Soup,  Chicken and Noodles over mashed potatoes, Chili with cheese over macaroni.   But.... I have found new foods that I am addicted to.  Like fish!  I never really liked fish that much.  Now I cant wait until I get it again.  Some things that have helped me not totally go back to old eating habits are: I have chocolate everyday.  Sometimes in a Fiber One bar.  Sometimes 2 or 3 little dark chocolate squares or a fun size bag of M & M's. I also have one cheat day every week. Which I usually dont get too carried away on but do treat myself to stuff that is not on my regular diet. Like maybe just a small order of McD'S fries instead of a large one with a double cheeseburger.  Oh and I still am going to see Mr. Gym.  Yep, everyday. Well I did miss a few when I was traveling but that is it.  It is still a boring relationship but my goal is to do a 5K with my son in October and finish it in less that an hour.  So, right now that is what is keeping me going.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Years

Talked Superman into going with me to the gym yesterday so that made twice in one day. Then this morning went and had some biscuits and gravy for breakfast. I know, I know, it sounds like an awful thing to have when you are trying to diet but..... I had one reg serving instead of two heaping plate fulls plus I added an extra 15 minutes on the treadmill to total an entire hour of walking. And tonight for dinner, I had broiled fish and salad. (For lunch, one serving of tortilla chips and home made salsa)
So Happy New Year.  Looks like it could be on the right track.

Friday, December 30, 2011

My Crazy Subconscious

So after walking a couple miles on the treadmill yesterday, (I know that doesn't sound like much but for me - It is only the beginning) I was sure I would get a great nights sleep.  Not so much!  The dogs were barking like mad for about 3 hours.  I'm not talking straight.  Oh no, they would stop just long enough for me to start to fall asleep before they would bark again. I got out of bed about 4 times to see what was up.  Nothing!  Well nothing but the train that is a half mile away.  That and my subconscious.  My subconscious telling me that I really didn't need to go see Mr.  Gym today.  I had a good walk yesterday and I deserved the break.  Besides, being up so much in the middle of the night, I needed my rest.  Right?  NOT SO MUCH!! Ha ha.  I went to see Mr. Gym this morning.  Just me and him.  No other visitors.  That's how I like it. Just walked on the treadmill for about 45 minutes.  That was enough for me for today.  Unless of course I can talk my husband in to going with me later. I got him a month membership too.  We can always hope!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Helllllooooo New Friend

Alright, so I have been gone for a while.  After the weekend of my last post, I just couldn't get going again.  I thought I had dieted all week, I was going to take the weekend off and start back up on Monday.  Well, It obviously doesn't work that way.  The starting back up just didn't happen.  It was the weather.  Have to have those comfort foods.  No, it was the holidays.  Mmmm all that yummy snack stuff and Christmas meals everywhere. Okay, okay so it was me. Me and my friend.  You know, Mr. Nomotivation.  But me and Mr. N are trying to part ways.  Breaking up is so hard to do. I have a new friend now though.  We are very fresh in our relationship.  His name is Gym.   I visited him today.  Hopefully I will see him again tomorrow.  We will see.

Pssstt, right now I weigh 215.8 which is less that before Christmas.  Miracles do happen!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Nuff' Said

Texas Roadhouse is not dieter friendly.  Nuff' Said.

Not Eggsactly What I Had Planned

So, got up this morning and had some nice egg beater eggs cooked in the microwave and went about my daily business. Did a little bit of a fitness program and my dogs were actually under control today. Well, except for the one time Jack tried to get close to me and Tiny growled and nipped him right back up onto the couch. Threw some venison in the dehydrator to make more jerky and chugged a big glass of water. (Yuck, not a fan of it) When I looked at the clock again it was time for me to eat something for lunch. Since this is a shopping day we were pretty much out of everything but I did have a few boiled eggs left in the fridge so that is what I ate. Along with an apple and some milk. Skim of course. Then I realized I had the equivalent to about 4 eggs. Wow. So is that good or bad now? For a while eggs were bad for you then they were good. Bad,Good. I lost track now but it just seems like a lot of eggs for one day.
Later I will be going shopping to stock back up on some salad things and fruit. I know I will be having biscuits and gravy for at least one meal so I am really trying to cut back on the other ones to balance it out. Plus it is Friday which means the weekend is here. And I dread the weekend. They are worse than the regular evening. Especially when it is this cold out , 20's, I crave comfort food. And I found a recipe for cheesy chicken spaghetti. Doesnt that sound good! Hmmm Thinking I need a treadmill at home so I can just stay on it 24/7. You think that would actually happen?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Pro and Con

I have never been a big fan of televised fitness programs.  Something about men looking like the incredible Hulk in capri length spandex and stick women in shiny hose and leotard that are cut all the way to their midwaist wearing fake/forced smiles just turns me off. I have, however, found two pretty nice exercise shows on tv and had them recorded for use on my non pilates/yoga days. And yesterday was one of those days.  So on a quick note I want to share a pro and con of exercising in your own home as opposed to the gym.  Lets go with the pro first.
When you get sweaty hot and the loose shirt you wore for comfort is sticking to you, you can take it off and fling it on the couch with out missing a beat or causing any visual trauma for others around you. However, there is a con. I have three dogs.  One blue heeler,Tiny,  and two pugs, Sam and Jack.  When I was on my hands and knees on my mat they obviously werent used to seeing me in this position.  Tiny ran circles around me, licking my face and neck every chance she got.  Sam ran directly under me and rubbed dog hair all over my sweaty self while Jack sat on the loveseat and whined so loudly you would think he was contacting people 10 miles away to come and rescue us. They must have truly thought I was dying, being down on the floor, sweating profusely and breathing like I had just run a marathon.   I did manage to do the entire workout.  Well, the parts that I could do anyway. And next time the dogs will be outside.